Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cake and coughs

Well my little man has managed to pick himself up a cough.  Poor little mite is even coughing in his sleep.  Consequently I've been giving lots of cuddles and the sewing has taken a back seat.  However my other love of cooking has been indulged a bit this weekend.  We had a friend we haven't seen for a while come over this Sunday so I decided to try out  new cake recipe I had found on the BBC Good Food website.  It was a Lemon Curd and Blueberry Loaf Cake and you can tell it was good - a second one was made today!

It has a gorgeous icing on the top made from the juice of a lemon - it really adds a tang!  It's one of those things that now I've heard of doing it I wonder why I've never done it before!  Little man however, is not a fan of lemon flavoured things (one of the only things he won't eat) so I had to bake some extra blueberry cakes for him.  I feel slightly better about giving him cake if there is fruit in it!

Finally got round to wrapping mother in laws gardening hamper ready for our trip to London for the family party on Friday - I'll add a picture when we get it out to take but until then, here is a picture of the buttercup bag I made a few weeks back for my sister in law's birthday. 

It was my first bag so there are a few things I would do differently next time round, mainly with how the handle is attached but, I'm still really pleased with it.