The Colds
The postman arrived, the waiting ended, the cold set in for both me and my little man so sewing went out of the window. I've felt so very sorry for my little one over the last few days. He is 15 months old and this is the first real cold he has had and I can't help but think how truly horrible it must be to have a cold and not know how to blow your nose. He has now perfected the 'I'm feeling very sorry for myself' look. I think he will suffer from 'man flu' when he is older!
Anyway the colds seem to be clearing up and my mother in law's birthday is creeping ever closer so I thought I'd get on with the gardening apron tonight and, I'm pleased to say it is finished. It's not amazing and there are a few bits I might need to have a look at just to be completely happy with it but, overall I'm really pleased. It was my first time using bias binding and I found it very fiddly! I should probably have had a read of how to sew on bias binding but, I kind of just went for it and think it looks ok.
So here it is:
I slightly changed the tutorial from as I wanted the apron to be a little bit longer. It was a fairly easy make so would definitely recommend it.
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