Tuesday, February 01, 2011

And so it begins...

As promised, here is a picture of the fabric I am going to be using for my mother in law's gardening apron.  I picked it up in Ikea the other day along with a couple of others - I really love the fabrics there and they're reasonably priced so I tend to end up buying more than I expected - I've currently got fabric in my stash from Ikea waiting to be made into a handbag and wallet for my sister's birthday and a tote bag for my sister in law's birthday.   

I started cutting out the pieces for the gardening apron last night and thought I would pin on the bias binding ready to do a bit of sewing on it this evening but, unfortunately I was rather tired and not reading the instructions properly.  It turns out I've missed a step so have to unpin it sew the pockets on and then pin it back in place.  Is it just me or do you occasionally lose time doing and then undoing something you shouldn't have done in the first place?!  I really must learn to check before I go ahead and do things.

Well hopefully there will be more progress on the apron tonight and I'll have a few more pictures to show you as it gets closer to being finished but, in the meantime here is a link to the tutorial over at Make It Do that I am using (I'm changing it slightly as I thought it was a little short) http://www.make-it-do.com/sew-it/garden-apron-tutorial/ 

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous fabric and I definately know what you meant about loosing time and having to redo things - yesterday whilst making a purse clasp I managed to sew the whole thing together at the top so it wouldn't open!! Whoops x
