Sunday, February 13, 2011

Endless Ebaying

I'm in love!  I've found a new fabric shop.  Well it's new to me, it is actually part of a chain that is based around here but, rather than being the small shop in the town's shopping centre, it is a two-storey building on an industrial site.  Even better, it's less than a 5 minute drive to it from my house!!  I was rather restrained when I went in the other day and only bought a pack of 4 fat quarters (how excited was I when I saw they sold fat quarters?!).  They are 4 different brown patterns and I've already earmarked one for a cosy for my husbands cafetiere so his coffee stays a bit warmer.

I haven't managed to do any sewing over the last week - my other half has been stripping down old laptops to sell and so my evenings have been taken over with photographing parts and listing them on ebay - quite dull but he assures me I can spend some of the money he makes on some new fabric so it will be worth it in the long run!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely fabrics. Lets hope your OH gets loads of cash for his ebay stuff so you can buy even more!
